Tamil Nadu Rural Transformation Project (TNRTP)
Rural Development & Panchayat Raj
Government Of Tamil Nadu

Vazhndhu Kattuvom Project

Department of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj

Welcome to Vazhndhu Kattuvom Project

Vazhndhu Kattuvom Project (formerly Tamil Nadu Rural Transformation Project - TNRTP) is an innovative World Bank assisted Project that aims at rural transformation through strategies that look beyond poverty alleviation by building sustainability and prosperity of rural communities through rural enterprise promotion, access to finance and employment opportunities in the selected blocks of Tamil Nadu. The Project will build on existing institutional capital and investments made by TNEPRP, TNSRLM and NRLP. The Project will be operational in 120 blocks covering 3,994 village panchayats spread across 31 districts of Tamil Nadu.
Artboard 1

Rural Enterprise Ecosystem Development

Artboard 2

Enterprise Business Plans Financing

Artboard 3

Skills and Job Opportunities

Artboard 4

Project Management

Districts Covered
Blocks Covered
Village Panchayat Covered

Project Development Objective

The proposed Project Development Objectives (PDO) are to promote rural enterprises, access to finance, and create employment opportunities in selected blocks of Tamil Nadu.

Watch Our Latest Activities

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has launched the Covid-19 Assistance Package (CAP), a first of its kind rapid response initiative in the entire country on 28TH May 2020 for reinvigorating rural economy amidst Covid-19 Pandemic.

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Launched the Covid-19 Assistance Package (CAP), a first of its kind rapid response initiative in the entire country on 28TH May 2020 for reinvigorating rural economy amidst Covid-19 Pandemic.


Covid Assistance Package

Enterprise Group (EG)


Target: 1,000 groups (10,000 beneficiaries)
Achieved: 1,000 groups (15,926 beneficiaries)

A group of between 10 and 30 women who come together to jointly produce a single commodity/service and share the profit.

Producer Group (PG)


Target: 5,000 groups (3,00,000 beneficiaries)
Achieved: 5,000 groups (2,72,604 beneficiaries)

A group of between 30 and 150 producers/farmers engaged in the production of a particular commodity or a subsector in a village who come together for aggregation, productivity enhancement and other collective actions

Producer Collective (PC)


Target: 50 collectives
Reached: 53 collectives

A formal higher-level collective of 300–3000 producers who come together for aggregation, value addition, marketing and service provisioning for economies of scale.

Matching Grant Program (MGP)


Target: 7,170 enterprises
Achieved: 1,196 enterprises

Financial instrument to address the demand–supply gap in lending to rural enterprises wherein 30% of the loan is grant, 70% is loan

Community Farm School (CFS)


Target: 1.80,000 beneficiaries
Achieved: 1,64,128 beneficiaries

Training module to address the gap in agricultural yield through the introduction of technology/scaling up of products by experts and experienced farmers

Community Skill School (CSS)


Target: 40,000 beneficiaries
Achieved: 33,861 beneficiaries

Skilling/training given at the village level with minimal local infrastructure, in traditional, highly remunerative trades with master craftsmen/experts.

How Can You Benefit?

Are you a SHG member or from SHG member's family? Do you aspire to be an entrepreneur? Are you looking for support to accomplish your dream?

Reach out to your nearest District Project Management Unit or Women Livelihood Service Centre for any support to achieve your entrepreneurial dreams.

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Grievance Redressal

Raise a complaint that need to be addressed by Vazhndhu Kattuvom Project
(Limited to project operational area)

Reach Us for any queries, complaints and grievances